Thursday, September 20, 2018

Petroleum PE Problems 2018: 41-80

The 2018 41-80 Guidebook Companion is available on Amazon. I only publish this on Kindle to keep the cost <$10.

The sample problems look fine on a smartphone or computer using the free Kindle app; it's a two problems per page format. All you need is scratch paper and a calculator.

Problems 41-80 reference the September 2018 Guidebook (2nd printing, which again has new sections and additional material). It also leans very hard on the SPE Handbook (although every problem can be solved using the September 2018 Guidebook alone).

Harder than 2016, 2017 , and 2018 1-40 versions (in my opinion) I think they offer a challenge to most engineers. However, I still find the 2016 version the most applicable to reality. Yet I've been surprised at the diversity of opinion out there: everyone seems to have a different view of what is difficult.

Sidenote: folks currently have and are using the new Guidebook (2nd printing) and so far, so good. Myself, I haven't yet seen a copy (expecting my first ten copies on the 17th at which time I'll start mailing replacements (if they look OK) and order more as demand dictates.


  1. Small comment - on page "v", in calculating V external at the bottom of the page, you are missing the 2 exponent where you substituted in the 1.75. Have not found anything else. I love your book, it is a perfect complement to Bing's course. I am hoping studying, having your book and Bing's class, along with 35 yrs experience will help me pass on 1st attempt!

    1. Dave, thanks! Looks like the calculation is right I just didn't show my work :-). Surprised nobody noticed that yet. It's on 1 RIG 1 too. Fixed.

      Looks like you've got an eagle eye; if you see any more typos please send me an email at mdavidgo at gmail 'cause I sometimes miss these comments.

  2. Saw that second one as well and corrected it, just forgot to mention.

    This is a tremendous resource and has helped me score well on your sample tests in shorter time. Thank you so much for taking the effort to do this for the rest of us.

  3. 2018 PM is kicking my butt...I was expecting to do well on it after bing's class and a good amount of studying, but its definitely shaken me. Lots of facilities things I've never come upon before. Thoughts for refocusing and gaining more confidence after that?? (I have the May 2018 GB)

    1. 1. I made the 41-80 much harder (IMO) for this reason; I kept hearing guys say 2016-17 were not hard enough. But I still think the 2016 more realistic.
      2. Remember it's curved; expect to miss quite a few and get used to that feeling of not knowing.
      3. I'll send you a 2018 Sep GB if you follow the instructions.
      4. If you have any specific solutions you need just let me know and I'll put them on the blog.
      5. Remember every Q you don't know is one you will know on the real thing.

  4. Can you post solution to #58? Getting close, but would like to see solution. This set of problems definitely most difficult for me, lots of facilities Q's.

    1. Dave, #58 is hard to explain; send me an gmail at mdavidgo and I'll send you one version and if you think it's clear enough I'll post it on the blog.
