Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Core Permeability: 2018 #5

Problem 5. The statement most FALSE regarding permeability determination (especially core permeability determination) is:

(A) Klinkenburg used gas in place of nonreacting fluids, but he corrected for slippage.
(B) Water is the most frequently occurring reactive liquid relating to permeability determination.
(C) Slippage occurs when the diameter of the capillary openings approaches the mean free path of the gas.
(D) Carbon dioxide should not be used to find the equivalent liquid permeability of a core.

The TOC shows "Core" on 12 WLT 1. This page clearly states "any gas" can be used. Since CO2 is indeed a gas "D" is plainly false. Done.

Confirmation is nice, so I check out the listed reference: Petroleum Engineering Handbook, P26-18, Bradley. Sure enough, CO2 is shown as a test gas. Being an SPE reference, this locks it.


  1. Do you have solutions to the answers for the 2018 practice test?

  2. The answer key is in the back, but for details on any specific problem I put the solution method in the links below the Companion to the left. Let me know which ones you want, and I'll get them first.

  3. 13 is tripping me up, it seems so simple so I am sure I am just goofing up one small step.

    1. I'll get it next. And hey if it's simple, I'm not doing my job :-).

      The worst thing on the PE Exam are the simple must assume there is a trick and waste 5 minutes searching...I've heard this from a LOT of folk.

    2. Posted...let me know if there is a mistake...I did it pretty fast...
