Rp = Gp/Np = 468 MMCF / 260 M bbl = 1.8
m = Vgas/Voil = 3,000 ac-ft / 10,000 ac-ft = 0.3
Next assume the following reservoir properties.
Bgi & Bg = 1.2 & 1.4 bbl/STB
Boi & Bo = 1.45 & 1.4 bbl/STB
Rsi & Rs = 900 & 800 scf/STB
The single page required in the Guidebook is 13 RES 3.
It's critical to list out your known values WITH PROPER UNITS.
On the exam, look at the variable list in the sidebar and convert to those units.
Bt = 1.4 bbl/STB + (900-800 scf/STB)0.0014 bbl/scf = 1.4 + 0.14 = 1.54 bbl/STB
Bti = 1.45 bbl/STB (note Bti = Boi)
N = 260,000 STB [1.54 bbl/STB+((1.8-0.9 MCF/STB)1.4 bbl/MCF)] = 730M bbl
...divided by...
1.54 bbl/STB - 1.45 bbl/STB + 0.3(1.45 bbl/STB)[(1.4 - 1.2)/1.2)] = 0.16 bbl/STB
N = 4.5 MMSTB
Consider skipping detailed problems like this. Dozens of ways to go wrong.
The difficulty? To figure this out in 30 seconds before investing too much time!
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