ESP economic analysis: 7" vs 5" casing & pumps to 3,400 ft.
7" vs 5": casing $14 vs $12/ft & ESP $41 vs $28/stg (motors $25/hp).
TDH of 1,860' & 3,000 bbls of H20 required.
1) Given ft/stage (or on provided chart): 5" is 16'/stage & 7" is 44'/stage
2) 5" & 7" Stages: 1860'/16'/stage = 117 stages & 1860'/44'/stage = 43 stages (round up)
3) 5" & 7" Costs:
a) Casing: 3400'($12/ft) & 3400'($14/ft) = $41M & $48M.
b) Pump: 117 stages($28/stage) & 43($41/stage) = $3M & 2M (use curves as needed).
c) Motor: 117($0.58 BHP/stage)$25/HP & 43($1.4/stage) BHP/stage)$25/HP = $2M & $2M (use curves as needed).
Total 5" or 7" Costs: $41+$3+$2 or $48+$2+$2 = $46M or $52M.
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