A casing string is to be cemented at 10,000 ft in a well containing 10-lbm/gal mud, which will be displaced from the annulus by 500 ft of 8 lbm/gal mud flush, 1,500 ft of 12.5 lbm/gal filler cement, and 1,000 ft of 16.5 lbm/gal cement. The pump pressure (Mpsig) required to completely displace the cement from the casing with 9-lbm/gal brine is closest to: A) 1; B) 1.1; C) 1.2; D) 1.3.
Typo in line 4 of solution: 5946 should be 5681 (from the end of line 2). Looks like the correct value was used to get the answer however.