Monday, January 13, 2020

OCTG: 2018 #48

Problem 48. The statement regarding OCTG corrosion most TRUE is: 

(A) Higher fluid flow rates lower corrosion rates because the pipe is kept cleaner. 
(B) High temperatures and higher-stress states accelerate hydrogen embrittlement. 
(C) Grades such as C-090 and T-95 are especially susceptible to sulfide stress cracking. 
(D) Carbon dioxide alone is a is noncorrosive gas. 

The first thing to figure out: what is "OCTG"? If you know, great. If not, look it up fast:

1. Guidebook TOC: not there (the GB rarely has definitions).
2. Dictionary under O: not there (this surprises me, actually).
3. HS Index: not there (again this surprises me).
4. TS12 Index: I choose TS12 because the context suggests pipe/casing related: Bingo; P385 & 395. It stands for Oil Country Tubular Goods.

Note that TS2, the other SPE drilling book, does NOT have this in the index. TS2 simply doesn't cut it anymore, you must have TS12 as well (in my humble opinion).

Now that I confirm the subject I use 6 DTC and TS12 to discover:

A: High flow removes protective film. So this is false.
B: Low temp actually accelerates...  So again this is false.
C: These grades were developed to resist SSC. Once again false.
D: CO2 is very corrosive with water but alone is noncorrosive. True, and so the answer.

Get used to this way of testing. Never panic on an exam if you see terms you don't know, just march through your resources like a machine, never hesitating to quit if it's not there. Time is of the essence; don't spend more than 30 minutes on 5 problems is a good rule of thumb.


  1. As for SSC- where can one find info on the pipe max threshold. I was doing 2014 exam and number 27 has me struggling.

  2. Hi David - can you please post the answers to #49 and #50? I don't have the new guidebook so I'd like to know what references you used

  3. For number 47, I used the FB Equation for the current WOB. For theoretical WOB do I need to use the Wcr in TS12? Seems like a ton of work for the exam--or maybe there's a trick I don't know?

    1. No trick; just testing if one knows "theoretical critical WOB" and how to calc it.
      Yes, one would need GB or TS12 (I don't know other resources that have it).

  4. Hello Dave, where could one find the equation to solve for Bo in the SPE guidebook in step 4 of question #45 in the 2018 practice exam set. Thanks.
