Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reservoir Geology: 2021 #6

#6 is fairly tough merely because few stay familiar with geologic terms, even many who work as reservoir engineers. Subjects like this make can the PE exam tricky; it's unlikely the exam will go too deep "into the weeds" on any specific subject, but it may, and so one should be prepared. 

Note that everything in this problem is directly out of the first 15 pages of SPE HS5, so it's definitely basic, and thus "fair game". 

If you think the problem missed something relevant, please note them in the comments!


  1. What is the actual question here? Sorry... and thanks in advance!

  2. Hi, this blog assumes you have the Kindle exam in front of you, it's not a reproduction of the problems themselves (not sure Amazon would even allow that?). But IMO it's fairly important to practice these types of questions under timed conditions and in a proper format, which is why I went the Kindle route. But the blog is still good for studying if one doesn't want to use the Kindle, just ignore parts like this.
