Wednesday, February 28, 2018

PEH Volume I Chapter 5: Gas Properties

The next chapter in Volume I of the Petroleum Engineering Handbook worth reviewing is Chapter 5: Gas Properties.

Most of what you will need regarding gas properties is in the Petroleum Engineering Guidebook on page 9 PVT 2. Review this page closely, especially the notes and equations. Know how to use the chart.

Below is some additional material. Again, if unfamiliar with anything (especially terminology) read those sections in detail until it makes sense. Otherwise, the outline should suffice.

Gas Properties:
     CRITICAL: gas can't be liquid
     IDEAL: gas particle volume negligible compared to total gas volume
     PSEUDO: gas mixture
     PSEUDOPOTENTIAL: integral of pressure divided by z factor & viscosity (more accurate)
     REAL: gas particle volume considered; z = real/ideal volume; pV = znRT

Gas Viscosity:
     Estimate by chart, Carr et al

Vapor Pressure or Normal Boiling Point:
     Pressure when vapor & liquid in equilibrium
     Use for pure substance only
     Estimate using: 
          Clausius-Clapevon equation (ideal gas only, accurate <~0.2 psi)
          Cox Chart 
          Calingeart & David or Antoine equation (generally <2% error) 
          Lee-Kesler equation (most accurate)


  1. Do you have a working link to the 2004 PE Sample Exam, The one on the bottom left doesn't seem to work.
