Petroleum 2015 (October) exam pass rates are available from NCEES. This is the exam I sat for.
First time test takers had a pass rate of 61%.
Repeat test takers had a pass rate of 32%.
Look, this was a very tough exam. The fact that repeat test takers had half the pass rate is a warning. Just because you know what is on the exam doesn't mean you will pass it. One would think that repeat test takers would have at least double the pass rate. But it's exactly the opposite. So either it's merely a measure of raw talent (which is clearly not fully true) or it's about being prepared.
When I took it a five months ago I used my manuscript as my primary resource. It has less than 130 pages which prevents a lot of "looking around".
Passing any difficult, timed open book exam primarily depends on 1) studying from and knowing quality resources, 2) proper test-taking techniques, and 3) harshly limiting resource referencing during the exam. Time is everything. If you flip through books indiscriminately your chance of passing drops rapidly. Know exactly where the answer is, or let it go.
If you are planning to take the exam in October of 2016, you should already have all of your resources by now and be studying them. You should have taken a good practice exam (say the AM portion of the 2004 Practice exam, or equivalent) under actual test conditions. Practice exams are the best study guide you have to introduce you to what you need to study. Some people recommend you to wait until close to exam time to take a practice exam, but I strongly disagree. Take them early, take them often. It will clue you in on how and what to study. You should also schedule at least a week of concentrated study time as you approach the exam itself.
Now is the time. Don't delay. Get your resources. Take the practice exam. The test will be here before you know it.